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Friday, August 10, 2012

Assignment One

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UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Environmental Design Program (ENDS)

ENDS 221: DESIGN - Sustainability by Design. Making our Cities Healthy for Humans and Other Living Things.

Winter Term 1, September to December 2012
Professor Patrick M. Condon      

Project Issued:  Sept 6
Project due:  In tutorial session week 4

Project 1. Streetcar City ; Then and now.

This project will give you a chance to see the city in a new way. You will be looking at the city as it is now and as it once was, and from this examination learn how cities evolve and how what happens now is a function of what happened in the past.  It’s a simple warm up project and should be fun. The project is to study how the form of our city is the result of events in the past, and how we get to and from work, or school, every day. You will be asked to look at old pictures (stills from films) of the city and to select locations depicted in those old stills, and re photograph this view from exactly the same spot. We will also ask you to write your thoughts about your investigations as described below.

Learning objectives.
1     Demonstrate an ability to see the city as an artifact that has grown through the interaction of working, living, and moving.
2     Write a clear text to describe the location and how it has changed.
3     Depict this information in a graphically clear way with photos and maps.
4     Begin to learn how to diagram information by adding information to maps.
5     Demonstrate an ability to draw conclusions from what you have observed.

Choose, in your tutorial session, one of the 24 views provided. These views are taken from old films. The ones in black and white are from this film, shot in 1907 from the front of a moving streetcar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzjRs3ARo0g. The ones in color are from a more recent film, shot in 1956 just before the regional rail system was torn up to make way for rubber tired busses, cars, and freeways. Only a small fragment of this much longer film is on line at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKHVHG2VhZc 

1     These views are located for you, described in terms of the nearest intersection to the view and the direction of the view. Pick the view that most interests you. No two students in labs can do the same view.
2     The images on the sheets can be extracted from the Word file and printed out on a larger sheet. With that in hand go out to the city to find the exact same spot and take a photo that is from the identical location looking the same way. If it’s the same time of day that would help too. Try to get the frame as identical as possible.
3     Find the map detail from the Google maps (or the like) and “grab” it to use in your presentation. Capture an area about .5 kilometers by .5 kilometers in the map view.
4     Using a simple graphics program like “paint” on the PC put labels on the map. Labels should include a direction of view arrow, and other elements in the view that have changed over time which you think are important. I have provided graphic examples of what I mean on the attached page.
5     Arrange the three images with captions on the page. You must download a Word template for this from the blog site. The template allows you to drop the images into the pre defined spots, and fill in the captions.
6     Write a 500 word description of the place and the changes that occurred there. Use the readings from the course and your own insights to suggest how this area grew and the role that transit had, or didn't have, in its history.

Submission requirements.

Two page submission using templates provided. Graphics and English compostion counts and will be part of grade.

Grading criteria
Graphic quality   20%
English composition  20%
Photography    20%
Quality of insights 40%